This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

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Z Board Game Arena
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Linia 34: Linia 34:
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'''Available on BGA'''
'''Dostępne na BGA'''
* [[Gamehelpsechsnimmt|6. bierze!]]
* [[Gamehelpeightmastersrevenge|8 Master's Revenge]]
* [[Gamehelpamyitis|Amyitis]]
* [[Gamehelpamyitis|Amyitis]]
* [[Gamehelparmadora|Armadöra]]
* [[Gamehelparmadora|Armadöra]]
* [[Gamehelpbackgammon|Backgammon]]
* [[Gamehelpassyria|Assyria]]
* [[Gamehelpbattlesheep|Battle Sheep]]
* [[Gamehelpbattlesheep|Battle Sheep]]
* [[Gamehelpcantstop|Can't Stop]]  
* [[Gamehelpcantstop|Can't Stop]]  
* [[Gamehelpcaylus|Caylus]]
* [[Gamehelpcaylus|Caylus]]
* [[Gamehelpcheckers|Checkers]]
* [[Gamehelpchinagold|China Gold]]
* [[Gamehelpchinagold|China Gold]]
* [[Gamehelpcinco|Cinco]]
* [[Gamehelpcinco|Cinco]]
* [[Gamehelpcolorpop|Color Pop]]
* [[Gamehelpcolorpop|Color Pop]]
* [[Gamehelpcoloretto|Coloretto]]
* [[Gamehelpthroughtheages|Cywilizacja: Poprzez wieki]]
* [[Gamehelpdiams|Diam's]]
* [[Gamehelpdiams|Diam's]]
* [[Gamehelpdragonheart|Dragonheart]]
* [[Gamehelpeightmastersrevenge|8 Master's Revenge]]
* [[Gamehelpelfenland|Elfenland]]
* [[Gamehelpelfenland|Elfenland]]
* [[Gamehelpstoneage|Epoka kamienia]]
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Linia 56: Linia 55:

* [[Gamehelpnorthwestpassage|Expedition: Northwest Passage]]
* [[Gamehelpnorthwestpassage|Expedition: Northwest Passage]]
* [[Gamehelpflorenza|Florenza: The Card Game]]
* [[Gamehelpgearnpiston|Gear & Piston]]
* [[Gamehelpgearnpiston|Gear & Piston]]
* [[Gamehelpgomoku|Gomoku]]
* [[Gamehelpgomoku|Gomoku]]
Linia 62: Linia 62:
* [[Gamehelphaggis|Haggis]]
* [[Gamehelphaggis|Haggis]]
* [[Gamehelphawaii|Hawaii]]
* [[Gamehelphawaii|Hawaii]]
* [[Gamehelphearts|Hearts]]
* [[Gamehelphanabi|Hanabi]]
* [[Gamehelphex|Hex]]
* [[Gamehelphex|Hex]]
* [[Gamehelphive|Hive]]
* [[Gamehelpintheyearofthedragon|In the Year of the Dragon]]
* [[Gamehelpinjawara|Injawara]]
* [[Gamehelpinjawara|Injawara]]
* [[Gamehelpjaipur|Jaipur]]
* [[Gamehelpjaipur|Jaipur]]
* [[Gamehelpk2|K2]]
* [[Gamehelpkahuna|Kahuna]]
* [[Gamehelpkahuna|Kahuna]]
* [[Gamehelpkalah|Kalah]]
* [[Gamehelpkalah|Kalaha]]
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* [[Gamehelpcoloretto|Kameleon]]
* [[Gamehelphearts|Kierki]]
* [[Gamehelpkoryo|Koryŏ]]
* [[Gamehelpkoryo|Koryŏ]]
* [[Gamehelpyatzy|Kości]]
* [[Gamehelplibertalia|Libertalia]]
* [[Gamehelplibertalia|Libertalia]]
* [[Gamehelpmachiavelli|Machiavelli]]
* [[Gamehelpmachiavelli|Machiavelli]]
Linia 81: Linia 82:
* [[Gamehelpniagara|Niagara]]
* [[Gamehelpniagara|Niagara]]
* [[Gamehelpdudo|Perudo]]
* [[Gamehelpdudo|Perudo]]
* [[Gamehelppolis|Polis: Fight for the Hegemony]]
* [[Gamehelpseasons|Pory roku]]
* [[Gamehelppuertorico|Puerto Rico]]
* [[Gamehelppuertorico|Puerto Rico]]
* [[Gamehelppylos|Pylos]]
* [[Gamehelppylos|Pylos]]
* [[Gamehelpquantum|Quantum]]
* [[Gamehelpquarto|Quarto]]
* [[Gamehelpquarto|Quarto]]
* [[Gamehelpquoridor|Quoridor]]
* [[Gamehelpraceforthegalaxy|Race for the Galaxy]]
* [[Gamehelpreversi|Reversi]]
* [[Gamehelpsaboteur|Saboteur]]
* [[Gamehelpseasons|Seasons]]
* [[Gamehelpsechsnimmt|6 Nimmt!]]

Linia 95: Linia 94:

* [[Gamehelpquoridor|Quoridor]]
* [[Gamehelpraceforthegalaxy|Race for the Galaxy]]
* [[Gamehelpreversi|Reversi]]
* [[Gamehelphive|Rój]]
* [[Gamehelpsaboteur|Sabotażysta]]
* [[Gamehelpsenet|Senet]]
* [[Gamehelpsenet|Senet]]
* [[Gamehelpdragonheart|Serce smoka]]
* [[Gamehelpsobek|Sobek]]
* [[Gamehelpsobek|Sobek]]
* [[Gamehelpspyrium|Spyrium]]
* [[Gamehelpspyrium|Spyrium]]
* [[Gamehelpstoneage|Stone Age]]
* [[Gamehelpchess|Szachy]]
* [[Gamehelptakenoko|Takenoko]]
* [[Gamehelptakenoko|Takenoko]]
* [[Gamehelptargi|Targi]]
* [[Gamehelptargi|Targi]]
* [[Gamehelpsechsnimmt|Take 5!]]
* [[Gamehelptashkalar|Tash-Kalar]]
* [[Gamehelptashkalar|Tash-Kalar]]
* [[Gamehelpthermopyles|Termopile]]
* [[Gamehelptheboss|The Boss]]
* [[Gamehelptheboss|The Boss]]
* [[Gamehelpthejellymonsterlab|The Jelly Monster Lab]]
* [[Gamehelpthermopyles|Thermopyles]]
* [[Gamehelpthroughtheages|Through the Ages]]
* [[Gamehelptimemasters|Time Masters]]
* [[Gamehelptobago|Tobago]]
* [[Gamehelptokaido|Tokaido]]

Linia 116: Linia 115:

* [[Gamehelpthejellymonsterlab|The Jelly Monster Lab]]
* [[Gamehelpthepalacesofcarrara|The Palaces of Carrara]]
* [[Gamehelptimemasters|Time Masters]]
* [[Gamehelptobago|Tobago]]
* [[Gamehelptokaido|Tokaido]]
* [[Gamehelptournay|Tournay]]
* [[Gamehelptournay|Tournay]]
* [[Gamehelptroyes|Troyes]]
* [[Gamehelptroyes|Troyes]]
* [[Gamehelpbackgammon|Tryktrak]]
* [[Gamehelptwintinbots|Twin Tin Bots]]
* [[Gamehelptwintinbots|Twin Tin Bots]]
* [[Gamehelptzolkin|Tzolk'in]]
* [[Gamehelptzolkin|Tzolk'in]]
* [[Gamehelpunclechestnuttablegype|Uncle Chesnut's Table Gype]]
* [[Gamehelpunclechestnuttablegype|Uncle Chesnut's Table Gype]]
* [[Gamehelpunitedsquare|United Square]]
* [[Gamehelpunitedsquare|United Square]]
* [[Gamehelpyatzy|Yahtzee]]
* [[Gamehelpintheyearofthedragon|W roku smoka]]
* [[Gamehelpcheckers|Warcaby]]
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'''Removed from BGA'''  
'''usunięte z BGA'''  
* [[Gamehelpdominion|Dominion]]
* [[Gamehelpdominion|Dominion]]

Wersja z 10:06, 2 cze 2015

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Nazwy gier, które są wyświetlane na czerwono, nadal potrzebują utworzenia pomocy do gry/napisania dla nich podsumowania. Więc pomóż i napisz dla nich, tworząc nową stronę dla tych gier. Aby to zrobić, po prostu kliknij na nich poniżej, to skieruje cię do strony tworzenia strony. Game names which are displayed in red still need game help/summaries written for them. So help out and write one for them by creating a new page for these games. To do so simply click on them below, this wil direct you to a page creation page.

Dostępne na BGA

usunięte z BGA